Monday, September 16, 2013

Social media profiles should be unique and, more importantly, they should coincide with a company’s branding goals. A company should never opt for using standard templates or imagery when customization is an option – and, in most cases, it most certainly is always an option. Instead, consider using logos or other recognizable company branding when creating profile photos, icons, backgrounds, and color schemes.

Unfortunately though, many small businesses fail to understand the importance of creating branded social media profiles and will simply ignore this part in the process. This is a huge mistake.

The use of a detailed company bio or banner graphic can do much to attract new community members and even new customers. Additionally, a branded profile will help users who may already be aware of a company, such as its clients, colleagues, and other industry followers, to recognize it immediately when looking for it.

Companies should look to create a unique profile for each of their accounts and do so in a way that best represents their company as well the audience they are hoping to attract. Furthermore, a well-developed profile will help a company showcase the value it provides, which, in itself, creates an opportunity for a bigger, better social community, and potentially new customers in the process.

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