Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today Google announced a new Google field trial experiment for a feature they’ve been quietly testing named Quick View.

The Google Quick View badge is found on a select number of sites when a searcher uses Google Mobile search from their Smartphone. The feature is currently working for Wikipedia on searches done in English on It basically will give you an almost instant view of the Wikipedia page when clicked on.

Google says the Quick View will show you the Wikipedia page “immediately.”

Google’s Matt Cutts replied a question putted forward by another Googler, John Mueller, on YouTube asking, “Should I add an archive of hundreds of thousands of pages all at once or in stages?”

The question is, if you build out a new section of your website with masses of content – is it safe to just launch them all at once or should you do smaller break apart at a time?

Matt Cutts said that if a site released hundreds of thousands of pages suddenly, it may raise a red flag and stipulate a manual review by the Google spam team. And if you do not want Google to manually review your site and you don’t want to draw attention to your site; you may not want to release too many pages too quickly. Matt said that if you can slowly roll them out in larger blocks but not all of them at once, then do it that way. If not, it should be fine, but someone at Google may manually review it. He also added that it is rare to see a site release so many new pages and for all those pages to all be unique and of good quality. He didn’t say it was impossible.