Friday, September 6, 2013

Google AdWords Remarketing Tag

Google Remarketing is one of the most effective AdWords features you can use to drive conversions from the visitors to your site. It lets you to reach your website visitors with a fresh message tailored just for them – after they leave your site, you can easily engage wandering prospects and bring them back to close the sale. Your message appears to those visitors as they browse other sites in the Google Display Network or search on Google. It's a powerful way to continue the conversation you began with them on your site.

Getting started with Remarketing

There are a few simple, yet important things you need to do to enable your account for Remarketing.

1. Place the Google Remarketing Tag on all pages of your website site. To get started, you'll need to place the remarketing tag that you'll find at the end of this email on all the pages on your website. You can also find the code in the Shared library section of your AdWords account.
To ensure that all the webpages on your site include the remarketing tag, you should insert the remarketing tag in one place, where it would automatically update all the webpages on your site. Typically you would do this within your webpage template.
Forward this email along with the link to the setup guide in the Help Center to your webmaster or whoever will be adding the tag to your website.

2. Use tag validations tools to ensure proper implementation. Review whether the tag was properly implemented by using the recommended tag tools:
Tag Assistant Chrome Extension Download this tool to verify that you've installed the remarketing tag correctly. Once installed, you can just navigate to any page of your website to see which tags are on the page. Tag assistant will also tell you if there are errors to the tag and offer suggestions on how to fix it. For more information, reference this Help Center article on Tag Assistant.
Tag Validation in AdWords allows you to see whether your remarketing tag is properly firing, provides useful statistics on your remarketing tag and in the event of a problem, shows you common solutions to help troubleshoot. For more information, reference this Help Center article on Tag Validation.

3. Review the Remarketing program policy to find out what you need to include in your site's privacy policy, and which sensitive categories of sites can't use this feature.
If you've already created a remarketing campaign, the lists that are available in your campaign will start getting visitors added to them. You can also create new lists as needed.

If you haven't set up your campaign yet, follow these instructions to get started.